Set the Current Month
The current month is the month to which data is considered current. The current month is displayed on Wells and General Economics | Well Info and Custom Fields.
The Set Current Month dialog box is displayed when you import data into Value Navigator only when the last production date found in the import exceeds the Maximum Shut In Months..
The current month is used to determine how current the production data is, which enables Value Navigator to calculate if a well is shut in. For example, if a production update is performed on June 2009 for 10 wells and 2 wells have production history up to January, Value Navigator determines that the those 2 wells have not produced since January. If the Max Shut In Months is set to less than 5 months, the 2 wells are considered shut-in wells. Shut-in wells are not auto-forecasted on import and do not receive an economic case when economics are run. By Default, shut-in wells do not receive data copied to them from the Input Copier.
The User Options: Import Parameters setting affects how the current month is set. If Forecast from Last Production Month is enabled, the current month for wells that are not shut in is set to the last production month. For shut in wells, the current month is set to the last production month. If Forecast from Last Production Month is not enabled, the current month is set to the last production month. See the summary below.
Forecast from Last Prod Month | Shut In? | Current Month is set to... |
Enabled | Yes | Most current date |
Enabled | No | Last production month |
Not enabled | Yes | Last production month |
Not enabled | No | Last Production month |
If you are creating a new project and want all wells to be auto-forecasted, select Generate Forecast from Last Production Month in User Options: Import Parameters .
Also see Set to Current.
How the Current Month is Set on New Entities
If a well is being created during an import or is loading data for the first time from the PPDM, the Current Month is set to the provincial current month found in the PPDM.
File imports
If a well is being created during an import or is loading data for the first time from a vendor flat file, the Current Month is set to the most recent production date found in the file, unless it is more than 6 months old, in which case it will ask you to select a date to use for Current Month.
How the Current Month is Set on Existing Entities
When using Vendor PPDM data updates, the Current Month indicates the date to which the data is current. The date can be different for each province.
- For producing entities: The Last Production Month and Current Month are updated to reflect the most recent date and are usually the same.
- For shut in or abandoned entities: If a well stops producing and stops reporting, the Last Production Month set in Value Navigator is not updated. However, the Current Month is updated to reflect the provincial current month.
If a well stops producing but continues reporting production volumes as zero, the Last Production Month and Current Month continue to progress together and both are updated. Unfortunately, this can make it more difficult to notice the well is shut in when the dates are current and equal.
File Imports
If a well is being updated from a vendor flat file, the Current Month is set to the most recent production date found in the file, unless it is more than 6 months old, in which case it will ask you to select a date to use for Current Month.
- For producing entities: The Last Production Month and Current Month are updated to reflect the most recent date. The dates are usually be the same.
- For shut in or abandoned entities: If a well stops producing and stops reporting, the Last Production Month in Value Navigator is not updated, but the Current Month is still updated to reflect the current month from the file or as set by the user.
If a well stops producing but continues reporting production volumes as zero, the Last Production Month and Current Month continue to progress together and both are updated. Unfortunately this can make it more difficult to notice the well is shut in when the dates are current and equal.